User Profile
My Current Rides
Achievements earned: 12 / 23

Achievement unlocked

ETS2 10th Anniversary
Thank you for celebrating 10 years of Euro Truck Simulator 2 goodness with us, by making yet another delivery in recognition of the game. We are proud to have been part of this historic yet humble event, and incredibly honoured that you chose to join us!
Achieved on:28th of October, 2022 13:27
Achieved on:28th of October, 2022 13:27

Achievement unlocked

Cruising Montana
Enjoy Montana's unspoiled nature, from majestic mountains to crystal clear lakes, while completing at least 1 job delivery to or from 12 of the 15 charming cities in Montana as your personal contribution to this event.
Achieved on:13th of September, 2022 00:21
Achieved on:13th of September, 2022 00:21

Achievement unlocked

Hauling Hope
Using external contracts, make seven COVID-19 vaccine deliveries across Europe / USA during this uniquely special and personal Hauling Hope event!
Achieved on:3rd of February, 2021 00:48
Achieved on:3rd of February, 2021 00:48

Achievement unlocked

Commited hauler
Transport 1 million kilograms (2,204,623 pounds).
This is a multi-achievement. You can earn it multiple times.
Times achieved:x1
Achieved on:28th of January, 2021 22:57
This is a multi-achievement. You can earn it multiple times.
Times achieved:x1
Achieved on:28th of January, 2021 22:57

Achievement unlocked

Reached 100 likes over all of your images.
Achieved on:28th of January, 2021 21:19
Achieved on:28th of January, 2021 21:19

Achievement unlocked

Home Trucker
Using External Contracts or External Market, make deliveries over a combined planned route distance of 2,500 km or more across Europe / USA during this unprecedented Truck At Home event!
Achieved on:31st of March, 2020 16:05
Achieved on:31st of March, 2020 16:05

Achievement unlocked

Truck shoes
Using external contracts, complete 10 deliveries of Goodyear tyres across Europe in the #GoodyearRollOut community event!
Achieved on:2nd of August, 2019 16:10
Achieved on:2nd of August, 2019 16:10

Achievement unlocked

Noticeable collection
7 of your profile images received at least 1 like.
Achieved on:15th of January, 2019 16:47
Achieved on:15th of January, 2019 16:47

Achievement unlocked

International Gifts Delivery - ETS2
Complete at least 12 deliveries of Christmas cargo in Euro Truck Simulator 2.
Achieved on:4th of January, 2019 19:45
Achieved on:4th of January, 2019 19:45
View all achievements

Achievement unlocked

International driver
Complete 10 World of Trucks contracts in American Truck Simulator and 10 contracts in Euro Truck Simulator 2.
Achieved on:4th of January, 2019 18:48
Achieved on:4th of January, 2019 18:48

Achievement unlocked

High five
Like 500 images.
This is a multi-achievement. You can earn it multiple times.
Times achieved:x1
Achieved on:4th of January, 2019 13:27
This is a multi-achievement. You can earn it multiple times.
Times achieved:x1
Achieved on:4th of January, 2019 13:27

Achievement unlocked

International Gifts Delivery - ATS
Complete at least 12 deliveries of Christmas cargo in American Truck Simulator.
Achieved on:2nd of January, 2019 17:05
Achieved on:2nd of January, 2019 17:05

Global Statistics?
Jobs accomplished
1,484 t
Total mass transported
33 h 20 min
Time on duty
332 km
Average delivery distance
25,934 km
Total distance
Full Statistics
Job Statistics
Euro Truck Simulator 2
American Truck Simulator
Jobs accomplished
Time on duty
20 h 42 min
12 h 38 min
33 h 20 min
Total mass transported
908 t
567 t
1,484 t
Average delivery distance
363 km
182 mi
332 km
Longest job completed
1,786 km
508 mi
1,786 km
Total distance
15,973 km
6,189 mi
25,934 km
Difficult spot parking
Easy spot parking
Company trailer deliveries
Owned trailer deliveries
Most jobs in single WoTr day
Most jobs taken from
Paris (France)
Miles City (Montana)
Most sourced company
Rail Export
Most supplied company
Rail Export
Most taken cargo
COVID-19 Vaccine